Friday, November 30, 2012

What's Going to Happen Now

Finally, the presidential election is over. Our president for the next four years will again be Barrack Obama. As I gauged people's reaction's, I noticed that the difference between a democrat and a republican isn't very much about a difference in opinion but a difference more in just color. Neither side   knows how to really compromise or work together well enough to get anything done. I think this election was very scary for people who really paid attention because you were either very disappointed or relieved. I was stuck right in the middle. Generally, I was upset, but I would have been either way. Hopefully, I wasn't the only one. Any unbiased opinion would know there is definitely no right and wrong side in this election or most of the elections leading up to this one. The truth is the U.S. government has been manipulated and abused. Democracy no longer means the same thing anymore. Our "system" seems to have been corrupted. I like to think of American government as a person and its  citizens are the parents. The government is just as easily molded a child's brain, but now its misbehaving just as we've taught it to. Our government needs some serious reconstruction to bring it back into balance. I am expecting and hoping that we when this happens (because pattern and history shows that it eventually will), it will be for the better, and Americans will have the patriotism needed for democracy to work in the system properly.

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