Friday, November 30, 2012

What's Going to Happen Now

Finally, the presidential election is over. Our president for the next four years will again be Barrack Obama. As I gauged people's reaction's, I noticed that the difference between a democrat and a republican isn't very much about a difference in opinion but a difference more in just color. Neither side   knows how to really compromise or work together well enough to get anything done. I think this election was very scary for people who really paid attention because you were either very disappointed or relieved. I was stuck right in the middle. Generally, I was upset, but I would have been either way. Hopefully, I wasn't the only one. Any unbiased opinion would know there is definitely no right and wrong side in this election or most of the elections leading up to this one. The truth is the U.S. government has been manipulated and abused. Democracy no longer means the same thing anymore. Our "system" seems to have been corrupted. I like to think of American government as a person and its  citizens are the parents. The government is just as easily molded a child's brain, but now its misbehaving just as we've taught it to. Our government needs some serious reconstruction to bring it back into balance. I am expecting and hoping that we when this happens (because pattern and history shows that it eventually will), it will be for the better, and Americans will have the patriotism needed for democracy to work in the system properly.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Bringing Hope Back to the People

Reading Where There's A Will There's A Way really opened my eyes to a more optimistic point of view on our government. I have said before that the future of our government is in the hands of the people. From what I've seen, people are becoming less concerned with making changes in the world of politics and government, but knowing that some people are making the effort to vote gives me hope. Maybe this is only a small percent of the larger that could be voting, but at least it is something. I have covered up my pessimism by calling it "being realistic" while others like Ms. Kutch are being more optimistic and actually trying to make a small, and seemingly insignificant, change by voting when her biggest contribution to society is her hope. The idea of somebody still believing in democracy is hard today, in my opinion. So, if her hope for democracy's capability of helping the people is genuine, I believe people like her could make a difference in the government where it is really needed. I firmly believe that knowledge is power and knowing how our government works is one of the first steps in being an effective part in a democratic society. My hopes (being more positive than realistic) are that the American people are able to get smart and "change our conversation" as Ms. Kutch would say, in order to bring back the real meaning of being an American. Our country lacks patriotism, even from me at most times, and it is something our country direly needs.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Seriously America?

The U.S. national government has been called many things. Some think it is very complicated while some say it is actually quite simple. Even if someone were able to describe our government, would they be right? Would they be truthful? Would you agree? The truth is I'm not sure any of us can or could describe are government. 

Once, American government was thought of as strong and trusted by its citizens. As time passes, people seem to be getting  more and more angry and disappointed with our government though. I tend to be one of those people,yet I am not angry at our government. I'm upset with the person sitting beside me watching the news with me because they are the ones to blame. The system was set up by our founding fathers to be flexible and adapt to change, but the only changes people are making lately are not necessarily for the better.
As a minor, I am unable to vote in order to make the changes I want, but I still try to do my part by being politically knowledgeable as often as I can, and often, more than most. I also try to encourage people around me to do the same and vote. Unfortunately, most of them tend to vote in favor of a certain party because of their parent's influence on them and not because of their own opinions. The idea of these people lacking independent thoughts is frustrating, but I cannot be angry with them because they are at least taking the initiative and making a difference. This is how our government works now and it is the fault of many American citizens.

I wish I could brag about how happy I am to live in America, but I am quite disappointed. I am not disappointed in the U.S. government: I am disappointed in the American citizens. The government is working just how it was meant to, and the people who really care are making it work for them. Those people may not be the best for America, but why should anyone really care? No one seems to be paying any attention to them anyway.